Gene change in cannibals reveals evolution in action

Evolution in action!  That is an abrasive phrase to many on the far-right of the intelligence curve- in the World of Delusion. And, while on the subject of brains, the article in NewScience is about the eating of brains.

Seems that a cannibalistic tribe in Papua New Guinea, the Fore, practiced the custom of eating the dead person’s brain during funeral rituals as a mark of respect. Kuru, a brain disease passed on by eating human brains, and a variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, killed over 2,500 Fore during the past 100 years.  When kuru was identified in the late 1950’s as the cause of the deaths, the brain-eating ritual was halted.

Scientists discovered a gene mutation, G127V, after comparing stored DNA from 152 dead Fore victims of the disease with DNA from more than 3000 living Fore, including almost 560 who participated in the ritual eating of brains before it was banned.

In 51 survivors and their descendants, they discovered a hitherto-unknown variant of PRNP, the gene which makes prions, the proteins that spread the disease. These prions become malformed and in turn make all healthy prions they encounter malformed as well, in a chain reaction that ultimately destroys brains by turning them into a spongy mush.

The article notes that the gene mutation first arose only about 200 years ago by accident in a single individual, who then passed it down to his or her descendants.  Two hundred years is a flash in evolutionary time, which points to the  continuing evolution process in humans.

Happy anniversary, Charles Darwin!

2 thoughts on “Gene change in cannibals reveals evolution in action

  1. But the Bible says…

    It’s just a THEORY

    You can’t get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a Pavlovian manner. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.

    Studies show the brain is wired to get a quick high from reading things that agree with our point of view. The same studies proved that, strangely, we also get a rush from intentionally dismissing information that disagrees, no matter how well supported it is.

    The facts tell nothing to him, even if you shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures: he will refuse to believe it.

  2. Laci- thank you for your thoughtful and correct insight into the ‘believers’ conundrum. It’s all motivated by fear- fear that if they let go of just one, little belief, the entire sandcastle will wash away.

    I personally cannot get my mind around what it must be like for the ‘true believers’ day in and day out, with all of the science data presented hourly these days. I suppose it is a cocoon syndrome, like the severely affected autistic person, who tune out the real world and crawl back into the World of Delusion.

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